Andrea G Stewart

Art and Writing

Guest Post on Laura Lam's Blog

I have a guest blog post up on Laura Lam's blog about the process of short story submissions. Find it here.

I encourage you to also visit her general blog.  Her book, Pantomime, will be out February 5 through Strange Chemistry.  It's a YA fantasy.  Her first three chapters are available on her website and Strange Chemistry's website right now - so you can get a head start on the book!  Check out the amazing cover, the fantastic preliminary reviews, and the blurb.  It's going to be awesome!

I Won First Place in Writers of the Future!

Okay, wow.  I thought I would never be writing this post - the one where something finally gave way.  It's been a long and arduous road for me.  A lot of late nights meeting self-imposed deadlines, of toting the laptop or notebook places so I could squeeze in some writing time.  But this has been my dream, and dreams don't actually happen overnight (despite evidence to the contrary). Even after all the work, the rejection after rejection, I have never thought about or considered giving up.  And I'm so glad that it's paid off.

When I got THE CALL, I was working out, watching Once Upon a Time, and trying to keep my cat from bringing a massive rat into the house.  So when I picked up the phone, it took me a second to even register that it was THE CALL.  In fact, I cannot remember what I said, or what Joni said, for about a minute or so after she told me I'd won first place.  It was a surreal experience.  I'd spent so much time wondering what it would be like to finally break into a pro publication - I thought I would cry; instead, I was just shocked.

I can't talk about the story I submitted, but I will say that I am so glad it's going to see print, that it will be on bookshelves, that it will be read.

And I am fully aware that this is just the first step, and that things will only get harder from here.  I'm taking it easy for a week or two to catch up on some reading, and then I'm stepping up my game.

I've got plans, people, so stay tuned!

The Next Big Thing (Blog Hop)

Tag, I’m it!  The wonderful R.A. Gates tagged me for the blog hop – The Next Big Thing.  Her book is available on amazon here.  It’s a fun YA with a doesn’t-take-crap-from-anyone female protagonist.  In other words, you don’t have to hide her book from your daughters. What is the title of your book?

Loose Changeling.  I wanted something snappy and a little bit punny.  Thanks to my husband for the idea!

Where did the idea come from for the book?

Honestly?  We did a five words exercise at one of the writers’ groups I attend – WordForge.  Each writer picked a word, and we were all supposed to incorporate them into a 1500-word piece.  Unfortunately, I was the only one who completed the exercise, which made me very sad.  You hear that, WordForge people?  You made me cry!  Okay, not really, but I went home and complained to my husband.  You can all apologize to him.  Fortunately, those 1500 words became the start of the book.

I incorporated some things I’d been thinking about for a while.  I’d wanted to write an urban fantasy with a snarky, relatable heroine.  Nicole isn’t perfect, but she’d like to be, and the book starts with both the manifestation of her Fae powers and the implosion of her relationship.

What genre does your book fall under?

Urban fantasy.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

This was the hardest question!  I haven’t really thought about it.  I actually had to browse random  people’s “hot actors” lists on IMDB to pull some ideas.

Kailen – Matt Bomer

If the actor’s pictures are anything to judge by, this guy may smile too much to actually play Kailen, but he looks the part.

Nicole – Lynn Collins

I saw her in John Carter, and was impressed with both her kick-ass attitude and the size of her biceps.  I kept rooting for her to put Taylor Kitsch in a headlock.  To my chagrin, this only happened in my head.

Owen – Adrian Grenier

I think he could pull off Owen’s cluelessness well.  And he has curly hair.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Errr…A sort-of-young woman must close the doorways between the mortal and Fae worlds while simultaneously dealing with the end of her marriage.

Hm.  That makes it sound way drier than it is.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I haven’t actually sent out any queries yet.  I’m leaning towards self-publishing, unless some amazing agent who is completely enthused about my book wants to sign me…?


How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I’m not actually sure…five, six months?  That’s if you take out the time I wasn’t working on it at all.  I was revising Lestoor’s Chosen at the same time.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Storm Front, Hounded, Moon Called—there are some similarities.  First-person POV, supernatural critters, some politics, and the start of a series.  I’d say Nicole is a little less level-headed than the protagonists in the aforementioned books and gets herself into more hawkward situations.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

Technically, those five words from the WordForge people.  Four of them are still in the running!  I had to take out thaumaturgy, though.  It didn’t fit Nicole’s voice.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Magic!  Fairies!  Murder!  Snarky comments!  Mysteries!  Secrets!  Love triangles!  Well that last one is only semi-accurate, but you get the idea.  If you like ANY of these things you will enjoy this book!*


*Actual reading experience may vary.


I've tagged Robert Paul Gmelin, Dan Rix, and Steve Yeager.  I know Bob's is up right now, the other two will be coming in the next 1-2 weeks!  Check back!