Andrea G Stewart

Art and Writing

Trad Publishing Numbers

Okay, a post on numbers--for transparency's sake, and also because I desperately wished for some real numbers before I yeeted the day job. Caveat that I have been lucky and owe a lot to my agent and my publisher.

Gross income (agency percentage already taken out):
2020 $100,240.09
2021 $49,055.98
2022 $128,345.90
2023 $109,722.23

Context--I signed translation deals for my first trilogy, signed a new trilogy contract in 2022 (hence the bump), and took a coaching job in 2023.

Drowning Empire book deal, signed early 2020:

£220,000 (exchange rates were great for me then, was about $300K at that time, though payments decreased in value as exchange rates changed)

July 2020-December 2020 was my first statement

January 2023-June 2023 was the statement I earned out and got about $25K over earning out (after agency cut)

July 2023-December 2023 statement I got about $75K (after agency cut)
I expect royalties for the next statement will be a lot less because I had a paperback release for the last statement.

As of the last statement (Dec-31-2023) sales are:

So I’ve had a big drop off, though I did see a bump after the series finished, and TBSE and TBSW have been out for less time (Apr 2023, paperback release in Nov)

My deal for The Hollow Covenant was also £220K, though exchange rates are much less favorable now so it’s about $277K US, but exchange rates may shift in the future so the final total may go up or down; this is an estimation.

Anyways, I'm very happy with how the series has done! Publishing is fickle and I know things can go up or down tomorrow, and it is not a meritocracy. This is not because I'm any better than other writers.

If I hadn't been married (and hadn't had health care through my spouse), I would have moved back to Canada to make the # s work. That second-year dip was a doozy! So those of you considering making the leap--plan for that!

Also, if you get a big deal, TALK TO AN ACCOUNTANT ASAP