Andrea G Stewart

Art and Writing

WOTF Workshop Week

I know I'm a little behind (okay, a lot!) in posting this, but there's something about the workshop that makes you just want to come home and write like mad.  So I did.

I can talk about my winning story now!  It's called Dreameater, and is a contemporary fantasy about a girl, Alexis, whose mother craves and devours dreams.  At its core, it's the story of a girl and her dysfunctional parent.  You can watch me blab about it on Good Day Sacramento here:


On to the workshop!  I kept a pretty good journal the first two days, and then it devolved into one-word notes, so you'll have to forgive the sparseness and non-specificity of the latter days.

Day 1

I got up early to go meet John Goodwin at the TV station to film my first interview for  I was terrified, but it seemed to go okay in the end.  After that, my awesome husband drove me to the airport, where I met up with Tina Gower (Smith)!  I mean, just look at her website.  It's all shiny and stuff.  We chatted and gossiped about all of YOU on our way down to Los Angeles.  We were met at the airport by someone from Galaxy Press, and given a ride to the beautiful Loews Hotel in Hollywood.  In the van, I met my roommie-to-be, Alisa Alering.

Alisa, the tall! Also, Hollywood Boulevard.

Once at the hotel, I got to meet Joni Labaqui, the contest administrator, in person.  She is so pleasant, and just a joy to talk to.

After lunch at the Mexican restaurant in the mall next door, we settled in the lobby to stalk wait for our fellow winners.

That night, once we'd all arrived, we gathered in the hospitality suite to have all our questions answered.  At least, that's what the agenda said.  There, we met Tim Powers (and his ubiquitous Coke can).  I think most of us were too in awe and shy to ask a ton of questions.  But we also met three winners from prior years: Meghan Muriel, Brad (freaking) Torgersen, and Jordan Ellinger.  Wonderful people, all there to ensure we got the most out of the week.

Tim Powers is one of the most fun and fascinating people you will ever meet.  He regaled us with a story about Philip K. Dick, and assured us that out of all the judges, his advice was the most correct.  After that, it was time for a little late-night chatting at the bar, and finally off to bed, where I would toss and turn, wondering whether or not it was morning yet because I was ready to get started!

Day 2

We all met in the lobby at 9AM so we could all walk over to Author Services together.  There, incognito on the left, is Marilyn Guttridge.  I haven't found her website yet, but she is our youngest writer winner ever!  She was 17 when she wrote her winning story.

We met the extremely kind and insightful Dave Wolverton (aka David Farland.  Seriously, read his Daily Kicks), and began our workshop.  Tim and Dave took turns lecturing us about setting, character, dialogue, and plot.  Took copious notes and tried to absorb it all.  We broke for lunch, went to a cheap, quick spot (Shelley's Cafe) that Tim recommended, and continued the workshop until 6PM.

SO MUCH INFORMATION crammed into our tiny brains!

We also received our objects for our 24-hr story.  Mine was a CD with a crack running to the middle.  I immediately began thinking of its rainbow hue, and how it was a broken conveyance of information.

Stephen Sottong scoped out what the illustrators were doing.

At 6PM us writers went to dinner at an Italian place in the mall (which was lovely).  All this while we exchanged war stories about trying to get our work published, things that worked, didn't work, and letters we got from editors.  I may be biased, but I thought our group was sort of amazing.

Chatted in the bar with prior winners and other writers until about 10 and then turned in.

Day 3

This was the day we prepared for our 24-hour stories.  We had our objects, and it was time to head to the library.  We were gathering three elements to stimulate our imaginations--our object, library research, and a conversation with a stranger.  Inside the library, we all split off into our separate corners.  I ended up researching African tribes and storytelling.

We took a break for lunch, some of us at the Pig n Whistle, where we discussed and speculated on the Gold Award.

Alisa, Tina, Christopher Reynaga, and I were the first place winners for our respective quarters, and were under consideration for the Gold Award.  The former winners (Laurie Tom was kind enough to drive in to join us) informed us that it was tradition for the Gold Award winner to take the other first place winners out for dinner.  Sounded good to me!  Any which way, we all won.  Even though we'd already won.

After lunch, it was time to face our greatest fear--conversation with a random stranger.  We walked back to the mall, and then split up.  I wandered about aimlessly before spotting a middle-aged woman sitting alone at a table in the courtyard.  I asked her if I could sit down, sat there silently (awkwardly) for a moment, and then asked if she lived in Hollywood.

It turned out she was visiting her daughter and before I knew it, she was telling me about her home country of Armenia, and about the Armenian Genocide.  More material for my story!

At 4:00 p.m., we started our 24-hour stories.  I set up in the lobby until some lady started playing the piano, and then I retreated to a spot near the meeting rooms.  That night, some of us--Alex Wilson, Shannon Peavey, Alisa, and I (I think it was just the four of us...) went out for ramen.  We discussed what we were writing, how far we'd gotten, and our worries.

Day 4

More writing in the lobby.  I like to work around people, with some background noise (yes, I write in coffee shops).  I ended up scrapping what I'd written, since it was trending too long.  I started the story later, and it began to pull together in the way I wanted.  After a quick lunch at Shelley's, I finished my story at a trim 3900 words, and did some quick editing.

We handed in our stories at 4:00 p.m.  We'd all finished them!  Eric Cline's was even upwards of 7000 words.  And I read it later and it was absolutely fantastic.  A bit intimidating, no?  Dave and Tim professed that they would choose two stories to group critique by throwing them all down a set of stairs--the two furthest down were the winners--while we wondered how aerodynamic our stories were.

And then it was time to see our illustrations.  We got to walk into the room downstairs and guess which illustration matched our story.  I found mine right away.  There was no guesswork for me.

I need to stop a moment here.  I'd meant to thank my illustrator, Lucas Durham, during my speech at the gala.  I was so flustered that I completely forgot.  He did an amazing job--not only was there no guesswork, but the painting so perfectly matched my story.  It was both ominous and beautiful, with little bits of my story peppered in so that I wanted to keep looking at it.  It was eye-catching at a single glance and invited the viewer to explore it further.  Did I mention it was in watercolors? Just gorgeous!  Thank you, Lucas!  It was better than I could have ever imagined!  I've been showing off my print of it to all my guests.

We had a bit more brain-cramming with Dave and Tim, and then we were given the two stories chosen to be critiqued.  I wiped a little sweat off my forehead when I found neither was mine.  One was Chrome Oxide's, and the other was Marina Lostetter's.

I read until I fell asleep.

Day 5

THE PRINTING PRESS.  It was a bright and early day on day five.  We met in the lobby at 7:45 a.m. for our trip to Bang Printing.

What can I say about this that the pictures don't explain a thousand times over?  Seeing our book come off the press was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  Our book.  In print.  Shiny cover and all.  I flipped to my story and got a little choked up.  For me, it was step one in the fulfillment of a dream I've had since fourth grade, when I was flipping through the manual to WordPerfect (the old old one, with the blue background) in an attempt to learn how to indent paragraphs.

It was incredible.  Yes, I smelled the pages.

After the printing press, we had lunch, critiqued the 24-hour stories, and were lectured by the luminaries in the field.

We had dinner at a wonderful buffet place, with all the judges and winners and Galaxy Press staff.  I had the chance to sit with the wonderful Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and got to see her beautiful journal.  She is about 10000x more organized than I will ever be.

It was heaven encapsulated in a single day.

Day 6

More lectures!  We were shown the secret handshake of professional writers, told how to conduct ourselves at conventions, and had stimulating discussion about the new world of self-publishing.

We had lunch at Shelley's, the greasy diner down the street.  Tim Powers wanted to eat lunch there, and like hypnotized little ducklings, we followed.  I was lucky enough to sit next to Robert J Sawyer.  He is incredibly knowledgeable, approachable, and kind.

And then...MOAR lectures!

I took a ton of notes.  It's gold.  All of it.

We did our rehearsal at the Wilshire Ebell.  Our first view of the stage was breathtaking.  They really went all out with the decorations.

We did some rehearsing, with a water bottle as the stand-in for our trophies.

Herein lies a blank spot in my memory.  I believe we had dinner at some point, and hung out in the bar, chatting with the judges.  The bar was the late-night hangout spot to be, most days.  I think I scribbled some speech notes down.

Day 7

Gala day!  Us ladies headed over to Author Services in the morning to have our hair and makeup done.  It was pretty fun, I must admit.  I'm a low-maintenance kind of gal (I did my own makeup for my wedding), so it was neat to have someone put some real effort into my appearance.

We had lunch, slipped into our dresses, did some last-minute prep, and then it was off to the theater!

Once at the theater, we got our programs, a little Writers of the Future pin, and did red carpet photos and interviews.

Kodiak Julian seems to have politely avoided being in my photos, but she's right behind Shannon in this photo!


After our little meet and greet, we had dinner.  I was seated by Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J. Anderson.  They've convinced me to try dictating stories.  I've gotten as far as dictating some notes--I'm warming up  to it!

The gala itself was incredible.  It began with Kimberley Locke (of American Idol fame) stepping onto the stage and singing a beautiful song about imagination, while people dressed as our characters danced behind her.  It passed in a blur for me--I was incredibly nervous and kept checking to make sure I had my speech notes.

Here's the video of the entire gala:


If you want to cut to the video of my speech and Lucas's, it's here:


I managed to make my speech without too many fumbles (except forgetting to thank Lucas, sorry!), and sprinted off the stage.

Then it was time for the Gold Award announcement.  Tina's story, Twelve Seconds, took the prize!  I wasn't surprised--in the informal pre-gala poll I'd voted for her story to win.  It's lovely, and you really ought to read it.

After the gala, we signed books until our fingers fell off.  It was lovely!

Once we finished, we retreated to the hospitality suite for more socializing.  I ended up bowing out early to get some sleep, but I heard Brian Trent stayed until 3:00 a.m.

Day 8

The denouement.

Our time in Los Angeles was coming to a close.  We had a lecture from John Goodwin about how to conduct ourselves in interviews, while we were individually pulled aside for interviews.  That's putting things into practice!  Got me thinking about my answers to the most commonly-asked questions.

We watched a radio play of one of L. Ron Hubbard's short stories downstairs and did some pre-show socializing.

And then we had our last dinner together in our workshop room.

Afterwards, we hung out in the bar, where we got to hear Shannon sing opera!

Then, finally, to bed.

Day 9

The end of the best week and two days of my life.  We filtered out of the lobby and back to our lives.

But not before we got to hear Alex's stirring rendition of Writers of the Future: The Musical.  It moved me to write a 42-page story about life and everything, but then I burned it because nothing could ever be so beautiful as that musical.

The End...or is it?

A couple days after returning to my quiet life in suburbia, I received more packages than I've ever received at once.  It was like Christmas in April.

My print of Dreameater, my contributer's copies, my books on writing... This workshop is the gift that keeps on giving!

I would highly recommend that those starting out in the field of speculative fiction enter the contest.  I feel incredibly lucky to have won.

You can get Volume 29 on amazon, on B&N, and in most bookstores!  It's good, I promise.  It even got a starred review from Publisher's Weekly!

YOU GUYS, I have an agent!

Like most things in my life, it happened rather awkwardly.  I like to think that perhaps I’m charming-awkward, but I’m fairly certain I fall into the it’s-a-little-embarrassing-to-watch-you category of awkward. In total, I sent out 34 queries.  I had some partial and full requests, but no bites.  And yes, I’m a real slowpoke when it comes to querying.

And then I heard from Laura Lam (author of Pantomime) that her agent, Juliet Mushens, was looking for epic fantasy.  Everything I’d read about Juliet praised her to the high heavens.  I sent off a query + 3 chapters in December and she requested the full manuscript two days later.

In February, I got the email saying that she loved it.

Of course, I proceeded to scan the rest of the email, looking for the words “but” or “unfortunately”.  When I didn’t see them, I finally read the rest.  She wanted to schedule a call to discuss edits and representation, and I stopped in the middle of my breakfast and did this:


We spoke later on that week, and I felt a little star struck and we discussed edits and then we hung up.  And she never said what I considered the magic words (I’m offering you representation!) and I didn’t clarify because I was too nervous.

So I did what I do best.  I bothered my husband.  “What does it all mean?”  And he groaned and rolled his eyes and told me I should have just asked.  Because I have a tendency to get overly optimistic, I decided not to get too excited this time.  It was an R&R.

I preemptively pulled my manuscript from submission to Harper Voyager’s Open Door.  They told me they’d had it marked for consideration, at which point I tore out my remaining lock of hair.

I began ruthless cuts, rewrites, and revisions to the problem areas of my book.

And then this morning, I got an email from Laura saying that Juliet had told her that she’d signed me.

Oh.  So I did what I should have done earlier, and clarified with Juliet.  I am officially represented by Juliet Mushens of The Agency Group!  I’m as happy as a puppy on a trampoline.

YES.  This happy.

The Post of a Thousand Plugs!

I’ve been very fortunate, over the years, to make the acquaintance of some wonderful authors.Their successes have astounded and inspired me, and lately they seem to be happening all at once.  These are all the books that are out and those with release dates.  I haven’t wanted to spam my facebook friends-list with post after post, so here they all are in one place, in no particular order, for your perusal!  I am so excited for all of them!  If any of these sound interesting, I encourage you to pick them up or place them on your want-to-read list on goodreads.

And don’t forget to leave reviews!

John Dixon – DISSIDENT, YA thriller, coming January 2014 Check your bookstores come January, and check your television.  Not only is DISSIDENT being published by Simon & Schuster, but it’s been picked up by CBS under the name INTELLIGENCE.  I’m not sure when the pilot is airing, but keep your eyeballs peeled!  Josh Holloway (Sawyer from LOST) is starring as the lead.  John is a member of our online Inkbots writing group (group blog coming soon!).

Laura Lam – PANTOMIME, YA fantasy, available now I picked up my copy last week and it is gorgeous.  I love my ebooks, but the paper copy of this one was too pretty for me to resist.  She’s been getting effusive reviews, including a comparison to Robin Hobb.  If you like circuses, well-drawn characters with secrets, and beautiful writing, get thee to a bookstore or amazon!  A negative review I saw of this book on amazon compared it to The Night Circus, which for me, is a selling point.  Laura is also a member of Inkbots.

Caroline Hanson – Valerie Dearborn trilogy, paranormal romance, beginning with LOVE IS DARKNESS, all three available on now If you like your fiction incredibly steamy, then nab these.  Fans of paranormal romance will find a lot to love between the pages of all three books—a sympathetic heroine, an irresistible anti-hero, and an interesting plot.  I met Caroline through Stonehenge, a local writing group.

Dan Rix – ENTANGLEMENT, YA thriller, available now It’s a page-turner with an interesting premise: every person in this alternate reality (with hints of sci-fi) has a half, a person who carries the other half of their soul.  Except the protagonist, Aaron.  Keeps you guessing all the way up to the end.  I met Dan at the San Francisco Writers’ Conference.

Sarah J. Maas – THRONE OF GLASS, YA fantasy, available now I began reading this book when it was up on fictionpress, waaay back in the day.  I loved it so much that I did a painting of the main character.  Check out the preceding novellas, available on amazon.  Wonderful work, with an extremely compelling lead character.  Celaena is an assassin with a heart of gold, but she’s also vain and impulsive.  A re-telling of the Cinderella fairytale.

Olivia Rivers – FROST FIRE, YA fantasy, available now This young author is still in high school.  I sometimes forget; she is so articulate and her writing such a smooth and easy read.  Read a good book, do a good deed.  Net proceeds go toward the Dysautonomia Youth Network of America, a charity that supports youth with medical conditions affecting the nervous system.  I met Olivia through Stonehenge.

Wesley Chu – THE LIVES OF TAO (or pre-order here), Science-fiction, coming April 2013 I think the blurb sells the book better than I could:

When out-of-shape IT technician Roen woke up and started hearing voices in his head, he naturally assumed he was losing it.

He wasn’t.

He now has a passenger in his brain – an ancient alien life-form called Tao, whose race crash-landed on Earth before the first fish crawled out of the oceans. Now split into two opposing factions – the peace-loving, but under-represented Prophus, and the savage, powerful Genjix – the aliens have been in a state of civil war for centuries. Both sides are searching for a way off-planet, and the Genjix will sacrifice the entire human race, if that’s what it takes.

Meanwhile, Roen is having to train to be the ultimate secret agent. Like that’s going to end up well…

How can you NOT want to read this, right??  Aliens, spies, and a nerdy dude who has to save the world?  Yes, please!  Wes is also a member of Inkbots.

Steve Yeager – CHICKEN NUGGETS, Science-fiction/Post-apocalyptic, available now Pulpy raptor-slaying with a heart.  Yes, you can have your blood and guts, and care about the characters dishing them out, too.  When high-tech food production goes horribly, horribly wrong, a mass of raptor-like chickens are unleashed upon the world, eating everything (and everyone) in their path.  I met Steve at Stonehenge.

Gabrielle Harbowy – Editor and Writer, lots of things, most recently WHEN THE VILLAIN COMES HOME Gabrielle edits a number of authors you may have heard of (Philippa Ballantine, anyone?), in addition to writing her own work.  See the results of both in Dragon Moon Press’ anthologies – When the Hero Comes Home and When the Villain Comes Home.  I loved both of them.  There are some seriously good stories within (one of which is Gabrielle's!), perfect for a late night read.  I met Gabrielle at the San Francisco Writers’ Conference.

Alex Shvartsman – Editor and Writer, lots of things, most recently UNIDENTIFIED FUNNY OBJECTS I’ve had the pleasure of critiquing some of Alex’s short pieces.  In addition to writing, he pulled together and edited a star-studded humorous short-story anthology.  Check it out on amazon.  It received a positive review from Ms. Tilton at Locus (and this lady is a tough critic!).  I met Alex through the forums.

R. A. Gates – PUCKER UP, YA urban fantasy, available now I believe I mentioned this book before.  A fun read with a magical road trip that goes hilariously awry.  Pick up her short piece, The Tenth Life of Mr. Whiskers, to get a feel for her work. I met R.A. Gates through Stonehenge.

Lee Battersby – THE CORPSE-RAT KING, fantasy, available now If you want your fantasy fresh, new, and interesting, this is the book for you.  First off – the title, OMG the title.  This book doesn’t follow a young boy coming into his powers, or any grizzled veteran of war.  The protagonist is Marius, a man who loots battlefields for a living.  After a case of mistaken identity, the dead rope him into finding them a new King, or his life is forfeit.  Lee Battersby is a member of Inkbots.

Lee Collins – DEAD OF WINTER, western/dark fantasy, available now A gritty alternate reality fantasy, set in Colorado.  Cora and her husband are supernatural bounty hunters who are pulled into a mystery: what is killing the people in Leadville?  Described as True Grit meets True Blood, and a delightful genre-blender.  His follow-up, SHE RETURNS FROM WAR, was recently released.  Lee Collins is a member of Inkbots.

Lauren Stewart – HYDE trilogy (urban fantasy) and NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED (mystery), available now Okay, I semi-lied: the last book of HYDE isn’t out yet, but she’s working on it!  Lauren writes in a couple different genres.  Her Hyde trilogy is urban fantasy with a strong romantic element.  Her main characters—Mitch and Eden—both suffer from the same ailment: they each have another personality that lives inside them, one that has preternatural strength and no impulse control.  For lighter fare, pick up NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED, a mystery with a snarky female protagonist who investigates a murder in order to clear her name.  A real draw for me here was the fact that the protagonist grew up on a commune, and this informs her thoughts and actions.  I met Lauren through Caroline.

Kody Kline - THE SARAITHAN RISING (fantasy) and POETIC TRASH (poetry), available now The Saraithan Rising is a novella in the vein of traditional high fantasy.  This is the kind of stuff I grew up on.  Kings, knights, magic, and cool critters.  Betrayal and redemption.  In addition to writing fantasy, Kody also writes poetry (allegedly - he debates the title of poet).  His collection, Poetic Trash, was written when he was between the ages of 18-22.  I met Kody at Stonehenge.

Karen Blakely - SECRETS IN THE DARK, Middle grade fantasy, available now Portal fiction!  I loved this stuff when I was a kid.  As stated by the main character, "In our town, people still talk about that time twelve years ago — the year we were born — as THE STRANGEST YEAR EVER. Yeah, like that. ALL CAPS.  Turns out, only someone born that year can get through the secret doorway."  Dun dun DUUUUN!  Three kids trying to hide from bullies end up in a magical world--where saying the wrong thing can have interesting consequences.  I met Karen at Stonehenge.


Please let me know if I missed anyone, so I can add them to the list.  I am notoriously scatterbrained; any omission was unintentional! Thanks!